Monday, 23 August 2010

Hot Meat, Live Chrome and the all new Bass Machine

Greetings Chrome fans, much to tell from the land of Great Men. C-Bomb promised that we would place electricity back in its rightful place at the centre of the noise universe and we haven’t disappointed. Reminding us of the rumble of a WW2 fighter-bomber we’ve tentatively called the new tune Messerschmitt.

Few kinks and curls to iron out but we reckon it will be ready for our next outing on 23rd October where we will be joined by dear friends and favourites Ulterior. This will be a VERY special night so dust down your leathers, perfect that snare punch and get ready for a joyous noise.

R-Man may well be able to raise the curtain on his new Bass Machine (if the US company he bought the bits from can workout the difference between right and left and send the correct bits). Here’s a rare photo of him doing something like manual labour and substance abuse.

Here's a sneak preview of the creature in question.

Mental Benn has now mixed another gem for the album and Great Men cannot stop grinning everytime we hear it. Ridley Scott will have to make a new Director’s Cut of Bladerunner just so this can be on the soundtrack, honestly.

Quick shout to The Cupid Stunt who played last night and were immense fun – the boys have added a touch of bizarre performance to proceedings. Imagine Marty Feldman and Cousin It mixing it up with Matchbox 80. Luvverly.

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